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Apeaksoft Video Fixer 1.0.18 macOS


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download Apeaksoft Video Fixer 1.0.18 | macOS | 41 mb
Apeaksoft Video Fixer can easily fix corrupted, damaged, broken, unplayable, choppy, distorted, black screen videos to normal as long as you provide a correct and valid sample video for reference. The repaired video will be in the same quality as the sample video.​

Now this video repair software supports fixing videos in MP4, MOV and 3GP format. It even supports the video repair of 4K, 8K video footages.
Apeaksoft Video Fixer supports the repair of all kinds of videos from leading camera bands (Canon, Nikon, Sony, GoPro, DJI Drone, etc.) and various storage mediums like mobile phones, computers, hard drives, SD cards, USB drives, etc.
-Fix corrupted, damaged, unplayable, choppy videos to normal.
-Support videos shot by different devices, including cameras, smart phones, GoPro, Drones, etc.
-Preview the repaired video before exporting.
Compatibility:macOS 10.10 or later

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