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APU Software APU Loudness Series v3.4.4 (Win/macOS)


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Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download APU Software APU Loudness Series v3.4.4 (Win/macOS) | 127.2 Mb
APU Software has updated APU Loudness Meter, APU Loudness Compressor, APU Dynamics Optimizer, APU Loudness Limiter to version 3.4.4.​

The APU Loudness Compressor plug-in is a compressor/expander designed to support modern loudness types (LUFS, True Peak). Typical compressors operate using only RMS and/or Peak units of measurement. But technology has come a long way since then and we're overdue for an upgrade.
The APU Dynamics Optimizer is a dynamics optimization tool designed to support modern loudness types (LUFS, True Peak). Underneath the hood, the optimizer uses the same compression engine as the APU Loudness Compressor, but benefits from the full audio waveform instead of real-time measurements. This allows the gain envelope to be meticulously optimized across the entire waveform.
The APU Loudness Limiter is a real-time limiter designed to support multiple loudness types simultaneously. The limiter can be configured to use LUFS, True Peak, RMS, and/or Peak loudness types. This allows you to target multiple requirements simultaneously, such as a specific LUFS target and a specific True Peak target. Internally, the ballistics of the limiter are adjusted to accommodate the different loudness type limiter settings.
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