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AR Ruler App Tape Measure Cam v3.0


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download AR Ruler App Tape Measure Cam v3.0 | Android | 96.20 MB
Pro version​

AR Ruler app uses augmented reality technology (AR) to tape measure the real world with your smartphone's camera.
Target aim on the detected plane and start to use AR tape measure tool
- AR Ruler app - allows to tape measure linear s in cm, m, mm, inches, feet, yard.
- Distance meter - allows to tape measure distance from device camera to a fixed point on the detected 3D plane.
- Angle - allows to tape measure corners on 3D planes.
- Area and Perimeter - allows to tape measure perimeter and area of the room.
- Volume - allows to tape measure of 3D objects.
- Path - allows to calculate the length of the path.
- Height - allows to tape measure height relative to the recognized surface.
- Plan - generates plan projection for drawn objects and exports it to PDF format.
- On-screen Ruler app - measure small objects directly on the smartphone's screen.
NOTE: Please note that AR Ruler app requires ARCore library produced by Google. ARCore is constantly improving, which, in turn, positively affects the quality and accuracy of AR Ruler app.
- bug fixed;
- improved interface;
- optimized measurement speed.
System Requirements:
Requirements: Android 8.0+
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