Create Your 1st NFT (& Why You May Not Want to!)
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NFTs: Das Gute, das Schlechte | Claire Charisse | Skillshare
Denken Sie an die Schaffung eines NFT? Sehen Sie diese Klasse Mehr als ein empowering Guide Neben der schrittweisen Einführung einer MetaMaske und der Erstellu...
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Product Details More of an empowering guide, rather than a plain tutorial, this introductory class to NFTs will leave you feeling confident about your decision to include (or NOT include) NFTs in your offerings as an artist/creative maker.
Besides providing step-by-step instructions to set up a MetaMask wallet and create a NFT on Rarible, this class provides insights into the world of NFTs and their culture; including concerns (& possible solutions) and why some consider NFTs a scam/sleazy.
Topics Covered in the Class:
- What a NFT really is.no, it's not the art!
- Concerns surrounding NFTs (and how to remedy these things)
- Why someone may choose to create a NFT
- Why people buy NFTs
- Answers to common questions about artwork and file preparation
- Step-by-step guides to set up a MetaMask wallet and create your first non-fungible token on Rarible
- Two approaches to marketing your NFT
- Why you may not want to make NFTs/Why some people don't like them
Why You Should Take This Class:
Direct and to the point, this class will save you hours of time researching crypto jargon and specifics, which means you can get down to business right away and confidently join the digital world of NFTs (if you choose to do so) equipped with the knowledge of what you are doing and why.
Who This Class is For:
Beginners! Specifically: Artists and creative makers who want to learn about NFTs to see if they fit in with their brands/businesses, but until now, have felt overwhelmed or intimidated by all the jargon and tech surrounding them