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Curiosity 25.2.56045


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download Curiosity 25.2.56045 Multilingual Fast Links | 746 MB
Data everywhere? Find it all in one place with Curiosity, your new AI search and chat assistant. Search Faster. Work Smarter. Your new favorite search and AI app. All your files and messages in one place, no matter where they are. Find what you need and use the built-in AI to understand, summarize, ask questions and more.​

Search everything
Get one blazingly fast search across all your folders and cloud apps.
Chat to your docs
Ask questions about your files, or get summarizes and translations.
Create your own AI Assistants
Create your own prompts to write emails, generate blogs, and more.
Combine email and calendars
Search all your email accounts and join meetings with a shortcut.
Organize in spaces
Sort files, messages and contacts into virtual spaces without moving them.
Search the web
Search websites like Google Maps or Wiki with a keyboard shortcut.
Focus and get more done
Improve your productivity with features that let you stay in the flow.
Quick access with Alt + Space
Open search and the AI Assistant with a keyboard shortcut. No need to change windows or use the mouse.
AI assistant
Access to cloud AI chat, or use a local LLM for enhanced privacy.
Launch apps
Launch apps simply by typing their name.
Join events
Instantly join events with a keyboard shortcut.
Secure by default
Keep your data safe on your computer with our security features.
All your email accounts in one inbox
Search, reply and forward emails directly from the app. Including automatic answers with the AI Assistant.
Find everything with a single search
One search across all your folders and apps. Search in file contents, scans and using natural-language.
Tag your most useful files for quick acess
Sort and tag files and messages without needing to move them.
See all docs and emails organized by contacts
Sync your contacts across accounts to find files and messages by person or organisation.
See all events across calendars and accounts
Find and plan meetings, join events from the command bar.
Work Smarter with AI
Access AI chat and get answers about your documents with a shortcut, talk to your files. You can even create custom Assistants.
Integrates with all your apps
Curiosity works with the all the apps you already use. Get productive right away!
System Requirements
Windows 10 or later
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