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DBF Converter 7.45


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download DBF Converter 7.45 | 3.7 Mb
DBF Converter is a universal solution to all your DBF format conversion needs. Whenever you need to extract data from a DBF file to CSV, XLS, XLSX, SQL or plain text, the software delivers a straightforward way to do this with minimum efforts.​

3-Steps conversion
Working with DBF Converter is easy. You specify a DBF file or a folder with DBF files you want to convert, select fields and filter out records you need. Then it's just a matter of one click for DBF Converter to turn source files into the format of your choice.
Powerful data filtering
Data filtering in DBF Converter is visual. This means the program takes a sample of records in the DBF file and allows you to apply custom filter rules and masks and instantly see the sample changes according to your choice.
Batch conversion for multiple DBF files
When you have dozens of those DBFs, converting them could be tricky. But thanks to DBF Converter there's no difference whether you need to process one file or a hundred. The program accepts a folder containing your source DBF files and converts them all one by one. And thanks to the low-level access to data the conversion remains fast and accurate.
DBF Viewer 2000 runs on all versions of Windows from 95 through XP, Vista, Windows 7/8/10/11 and Server Editions (32/64-bit)
Home Page-http://www.dbf2002.com/
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