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Dynamic Wallpaper Enginer 21.2 macOS


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download Dynamic Wallpaper Enginer 21.2 | macOS | 26 mb
Dynamic Wallpaper Engine allows you to use live wallpapers on your desktop/screensaver. It provides thousands of live wallpapers in the Workshop while taking as little system resources as possible. It's the Wallpaper Engine for Mac.​

* 2000+ hand-picked videos which are updated every day.
* Multiple types of 4K Ultra HD videos, anime, scenery, cute, game, creative, Beauty, Ancient, Movie, etc.
* Supports "keyword searching" in videos.
* Supports "Dynamic-ScreenSaver", personalize your lock screen.
* Easy to import local video.
* Supports The playlist, list loop, shuffle loop.
* Supports multiple screen aspect ratios and video native resolutions.
* Supports global hotkeys to control wallpaper, hide desktop icons and show screensaver.
* Set different wallpapers on different displays.
* Manual control, video pause, resume and mute.
* Break reminders, with flexible customization if you want it.
* Auto mode, pause the video when other apps are active, not disturbed at work.
* Auto mode, pause the video when Power Disconnected.
* Support for hiding desktop icons.
* Dynamic Wallpaper Engine is designed to provide an interesting experience while consuming as little system resources as possible.

macOS 10.12 or later

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