How To Draw Noses - The Four Approach Method
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Product Details This class will teach you how to draw noses from three circles to the last detail!
I have always thought the noses are such a complex feature that requires our special attention. It can be hard and daunting to know how to properly draw them, however, with this 4 approach technique, I tried my best to make it as simple as it could be.
At the end of this class, you will be able to draw noses to perfect your pencil portraits with.
Techniques you will learn:
1. THREE CIRCLES: This technique will help you sketch the nose quickly and efficiently.
2. PLANES: This technique will help you to see and draw noses in 3D.
3. ANATOMY: This technique will help you to see and draw noses realistically.
4. SHADING: With a combination of all the three above, you will give the nose some tone.