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KORG Multipoly Native v1.0.2


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download KORG Multipoly Native v1.0.2 | 115.6 MB
Inspired by the legendary KORG Mono/Poly, the new KORG multi/poly analog modeling synthesizer delivers breathtaking analog sounds combined with extraordinary digital power and flexibility.​

It's already garnering acclaim as one of the best synths of the year.
Now, Korg is pleased to announce multi/poly native, the fully-compatible software counterpart to the hardware multi/poly synthesizer. multi/poly native is available in VST3, AAX, and standalone formats on both macOS and Windows, as well as AU on macOS. You can seamlessly exchange sounds between hardware and software, and access an increasing number of excellent third-party libraries, keeping the updated sounds and software fresh. Produce in your DAW with multi/poly native, and then play the same sounds on stage using the multi/poly hardware. Create sounds with the hardware's hands-on interface, and then share them with a computer-based collaborator.

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