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Photo Mate R3 v4.0.4 build 204


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download Photo Mate R3 v4.0.4 build 204 | Android | 94.31 MB
Organize your images!

- Photo Mate offers a photo library where you can filter and sort all your files based on metadata like camera, aperture or ISO as well as custom ratings, labels and keywords.
- The library can handle jpg as well as almost any camera-raw format.
- You can rate, label and keyword your images and Photo Mate generates universal XMP-Sidefiles which are also compatible with desktop programs.
View your images!
- Photo Mate offers a solution to view your images along with all important exif-information like exposure, aperture or ISO. Furthermore, you can view and rate images side-by-side so you can pick the best images from your selection.
Develop and edit your images!
- Photo Mate offers a non-destructive editing solution. You can decode and edit raw-files to have full control over whitebalance and exposure, as well as post-process any jpg images.
- You may use all common editing tools like Exposure, Contrast, Lights, Shadows, Clarity, Vibrance or even Lens-Based adjustments. Photo Mate also comes with a Lens-Collection so you can auto-correct distortion, vignetting or chromatic aberration.
- If you want to fine-tune your image, you may use Curves or Layer-Based adjustments like Gradient, Brush, Lasso or even Threshold-Based!
...And even more!
- Like printing images, importing images from your camera, accessing your network, stacking or combining images or batch-conversion and editing of images.
- Fix for camera import
- Fixes for rename/moving files
- Crash fixes
- Performance improvements, improve Color Noise Performance up to 35%
- Duplicate XMP file fixes
- Layout fixes
- Timezone fixes
- new Layout with improved design, colors & overall cleanup
System Requirements:
Requirements: Android 7.0+
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