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Screen Recorder by Omi 1.3.14 macOS


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download Screen Recorder by Omi 1.3.14 | macOS | 22 mb
Screen Recorder for Mac is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily capture your computer screen in high-quality video format. With just one click, you can record the full screen, a designated area, or footage from your camera. Your recordings will be saved in MP4 format, making it easy to share with others.​

Key Features:
* Full Screen Recording
* Area Recording
* Camera Recording
* Window Recording
* Voice Recording
* Camera Picture-in-Picture
* Camera Virtual Background (for macOS 12.0 and above)
* System Sound Recording (with separate sound driver plugin download and installation required)
* Mouse Click Event Recording
* Customizable Recording Screen Size
* Selectable Frame Rate
* Adjustable Recording Resolution
* Specified Recording Duration
* Built-In Video Editor
* Customizable Shortcut Keys
Top In-App Purchases: Full (PRO) Version - included
Compatibility:macOS 10.13 or later

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