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Visual Subst 5.9 Multilingual


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download Visual Subst 5.9 Multilingual Fast Links | 5.2 Mb
Visual Subst is a handy utility which allows you to associate the most accessed directories with virtual drives. It solves 3 main issues with the built-in 'subst' command: it seamlessly creates drives for elevated applications, adds editable drive labels and restores virtual drives after reboots. Also, Visual Subst makes it easier to create, edit and remove virtual drives in a GUI way.​

You can use virtual drives everywhere - it's so much easier to access files in a project directory you are currently working on using just a single drive letter. Visual Subst provides you with a clean, simple and distraction-free user interface where you can manage all your virtual drives at any time.
Operating System:Windows Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
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