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VovSoft Http Requester 5.2


Active member
Apr 9, 2022
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Free Download VovSoft Http Requester 5.2 | 6.6 Mb
Vov HTTP Requester is a simple tool to request POST and GET queries. POST and GET are two basic request methods in HTTP, each with its own role, but both based on the request-response protocol. The list of URLs can be filled in manually or pasted in the dedicated field, while the input names and the corresponding values have a dedicated area as well.​

Users can manually add new input data, but there is also an option to import it from a CSV file. Right next to it, the 'Export' button makes it possible for users to save the table content as a CSV document. To begin requesting POST or GET queries, users have to just press the 'Start' button.
Operating System:Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
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